Friday, October 31, 2008

Improving Performance and Reducing Maintenance on Printos Marsh Stencillers

Although this tip is intended for Printos Marsh drop-on-demand (DoD) stencillers, it may apply to other stencillers. These suggestions have only been tested on Printos Marsh large-character stencillers using porous inks. Printos Marsh stencillers are commonly used in paper mills.

If you mix some of the manufacturer’s solvent with the ink to make it a little lighter and thinner, it will reduce clogging and make printing a little lighter (depending on how much solvent you add to the ink). Some trial and error will determine the best mixture. This saves money because the solvent is cheaper than the ink.

Some customers complain that the stenciller ink seeps into the paper and makes tiny marks at the edge of the sheet. This dilution of the ink will reduce the penetration into the side of the roll.

You can also put solvent into a spray bottle to spray on the face of the print head when there is dust and before and after every shutdown.

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