Friday, October 31, 2008

Reduce Waiting Time for Lab Test at the Winder

In some operations, winder operators have to wait for quality data from labs, robotesters, etc, before cutting a jumbo reel.

In typical operations, a strip is taken from the outside of the reel and brought to the lab for testing. The winder must wait for the results before cutting the jumbo.

We propose that the test strip taken from the jumbo be considered the start of the next reel. This is the same paper that is at the spindle of the next jumbo reel.

The paper on the jumbo reel we are talking about was actually tested from the strip taken from the outside of the previous reel. It should therefore be the same as the paper near the spindle of the new reel.

If a jumbo takes 40 minutes to make, we just added 40 minutes to the lab test window.

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